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A website committed to education for sustainability



The greatest lesson I've learned when working with people is the value of everyone's opinion, and the recognition that people express things in different ways and through different mediums. It is crucial to respect those differences and beneficial to learn from & with others.

Human Imagination

Human Imagination
Like the artist who thinks that each child can recognize beauty in the natural world around them, I believe that every person can be creative and that given the right circumstances that creativity can lead to innovations that contribute to the sustainable development of our communities.


My research looks at water quality, water source protection & water provision for sustainable communities through a lens that focuses on the intersection of infrastructure for education and engineered systems. It varies in scale, location, and builds long term partnerships


I believe that those in environmental engineering need to share their opinions and expertise on developing sustainable communities with multiple different audiences and in meaningful ways.
Maya Trotz
As a professor I have access to library resources and scientific databases and can quickly scan the published literature. My training gives me the language tools to understand a lot of those papers and my professional affiliation gives me access to people who are more familiar with the topic of interest.
Maya Trotz

Of Importance

  • We all have them on multiple different topics. As an environmental engineering educator many issues pertaining to the fostering of healthy communities intersect with my work. Whenever I read a news article or see something trending on Facebook that piques my interest, I inevitably do a few more searches to learn more. I decided to blog to share what I learn.

  • There are so many of you that intersect my life from my family to my friends to my colleagues and students and project partners. Both alive and dead. Near and far. Please don't be offended if I honor you on here at some point in time

  • From the southern most part of Guyana to the East Coast of Madagascar. Meeting students throughout Tampa, FL, in the UK and throughout the Caribbean region. My work takes me places that I'd like to share with you